These are collage remnants from an image transfer workshop I took a few years ago with Claudine Hellmuth. Claudine is an amazing artist and teacher. She taught me how to do gel medium transfers and I have been using her technique ever since.
I am always amazed at all of the great bands that come out of Toronto. Bahamas is a band that I just found out about recently. I first saw them on performing on MTV live. I will have to go see the in October when they come through Toronto again.
A few weeks ago I went to see Lykke Li in concert. Thank you to Julia for the tickets as my birthday present!!!! Lykke Li was as incredible as expected. She has an undeniable magnetism on stage. I was also blown away by the opening band, Miike Snow. I had never seen pop and techno mixed live like that.
These posters were made by my very good friend Kathryn Macnaughton. These were designed for the talented Kristin "Filthy Gorgeous" Leeder and her various DJing gigs. I am always in awe of Kathryn's design and artwork. We both went to Ocad together. I took graphic design and she was in illustration. Her typography and graphic style always surpassed anything that I saw in my graphic design classes. I will make sure to post some of the pieces Kathryn has made for me over the years. They are treasures!!!!!
FUN FUN FUN with the girls!!! We stopped to do a photoshoot for Beckerman Biteplate in an alley off Ossington.
I am at the bottom in my Honey bee + American Gold Finch outfit.My girlfriends are a constant inspiration to me!! Kristin Leeder (top right), is an incredible DJ. She is otherwise known as DJ Filthy Gorgeous!! The other two stunning ladies are the Beckerman twins. Samantha, Callianne and their younger sister Chloe are my favorite designers. Checkout it out: I have so much fun playing dress up with these girls and dancing around the city.
Yayyy! I was so excited to receive Somerset Magazine this month!! Anxious to see how my artist portfolio turned out. Thanks to RicË Freeman-Zachary who did my interview. It was a wonderful experience getting to know her and working with her. Check out her website and blog. Also a huge thank you to Jenny Do for contacting me to do this!!!!
I have been a long time fan and subscriber of Somerset Studio and all of the other Stampington publications. I submitted my work to Somerset when I was 16 and it was always a dream to someday get my work published in this magazine.